Review of “Stealing Thunder,” by Alina Boyden, up tomorrow!

As it says in the title, my review for Alina Boyden’s wonderful fantasy novel, “Stealing Thunder,” will be up tomorrow.  It took me all month to get through this book, not because of the book itself or its length, but because of my own fatigue.

There is a lot of awfulness happening in the world, from an atrocious pandemic response to the constant police violence against Americans to J.K. Rowling revealing herself to be a raging transphobe.  It’s a lot to take in, and it makes it difficult to enjoy the things I would normally enjoy, such as reading.  Every time I picked up the book, I couldn’t help but ask, “Why am I reading when I should be doing something more?”

But it was important to me to finish “Stealing Thunder” and get the post up as soon as possible.  This is a novel written by a trans woman author, about a trans woman heroine.  Plus, it has some pretty cool fantasy aerial dogfights.

We need more books like this to go mainstream.

I already have the next two books on my list picked out, and I will try to get back on my schedule of reading/reviewing two to three books a month.

This blog believes that black lives matters and trans rights are human rights.